Efficient talent management is one of the best ways to increase employee engagement. Appointing the right employee in the right position can make a world of difference. To be able to perform optimally, employees need to know what is expected of them, what they are allowed to do, and what not. They need to be offered the opportunity to develop should they have any development areas. In short, employees need to feel valued, heard, understood, and cared for.


Appointing the wrong person to a position is costing companies millions every year. Not only does this lead to high employee turnover, a lack of engagement, and high absenteeism levels, but it also has a negative influence on company productivity and profitability. We offer the following services:


Job Analysis:


We define what success looks like by accurately defining the success factors and inherent requirements of the jobs and roles within your organization. This is done by:


  • Job profiling - integrating SME knowledge and manager expectations to create comprehensive job profiles.
  • Competency framework: We help you to review and align the competencies needed to make a success of the job. These competencies are scientifically measurable with our unique instruments.
  • Once a profile has been designed for a position, candidates can be measured accordingly. A performance agreement and PDP (personal development plan) can be provided for each candidate.


We also do Talent Assessments for the purpose of restructuring, succession planning, development purposes, and leadership development. We can assist you with comprehensive solutions for:


  • Talent development - understand the developmental needs of each employee
  • Team effectiveness - assess the effectiveness of employees
  • Leadership potential - determine the leadership potential of employees
  • Succession planning - identifying employees with the potential to be promoted.