Creating A Better Tomorrow Today

Individually tailored business solutions  

Organisational development, Talent Management and Assessment

Our Services


We offer a comprehensive talent management service. We work with our clients to help them make better talent decisions through specialised assessment processes and outcomes.


We provide solutions that can help you make better talent decisions. Whether you need to assess one individual or your whole company, whether you need to do screening, selection, talent management, or if it is for restructuring purposes, we have a solution tailor-made for you.


*  Job Analysis

*  Talent Assessment

*  Performance Management

*  Personal Development Plan

*  Psychometric Assessments

*  Recruitment

*  Restructuring



Team Development differs from team building, in the sense that the benefits of team development are longer lasting and lead to high-performance teams. Team development is not done in a day, but is a process.


The issues that are addressed are:

*  Stages of forming a team

*  Personality types

*  Cultural awareness

*  Communication preference

*  Team fit

*  Goal setting


We specialise in balancing the abilities, needs, values, and challenges that teams might face and addressing the team's specific needs while ensuring that the specific goals are met.



Without a proper goal and a structured process to reach that goal, any plan is just a dream. We facilitate your strategic planning process from the beginning to the end, making it easier for you to concentrate on what is important and the desired outcomes.


*   Goal setting

*   Task allocation

*   TIPS (Tactical Implementation



Tasks are allocated according to each team member's strengths and weaknesses, and a comprehensive feedback, evaluation, and corrective measurement plan is drafted.





We offer a wide range of psychometric assessments to suit your every need.

Whether you are recruiting new talent, restructuring, doing team development or leadership development, or if you need to do psychometric assessments for any other reason, we have the best assessments available.


* Personality Assessments

* Cognitive Functioning

* Interest and Skills

* Career Interest

* Emotional Intelligence

* Risk Taking Behaviour


Our assessments are cutting-edge and normed for the South African population.



Our soft skills training is managed and conducted by our sister company Raviver.


A lack of so-called soft skills is often one of the biggest reasons for lower employee engagement.


We offer the following programs:

* Burnout

* Narcissism

* Personal Insight

* Re-ignite the Fire

* Communication


The above sessions are offered as half-day introductory sessions, 1-day information sessions, 2-day comprehensive sessions, or intensive sessions for employees who experience certain difficulties.



Not all leaders are born leaders. Most leaders develop their skills and abilities over a period of time.


Our program focus on:

* Personal Insight

* Mindfulness

* Communication

* Share Your Vision

* Integrity

* Decision-making Skills

* Assertiveness

* Empowering Others

* Motivating Your Team


Effective leaders should have the courage to admit their shortcomings and their mistakes. This program helps you to develop your leaders into being the best possible version of themselves.



Burnout steals your joy.  It is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. When suffering from burnout, you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.  Get your life back now!